Thursday, September 12, 2013

Quilts and Restoration

" I count the stitches line by line
And watch the thread record the time"

Quilts and Restoration

In the past year I've had some challenging and enjoyable quilting jobs. Some customers want a restoration, others bring an unfinished job that needs completing.

Some time ago, a husband brought me a quilt that belonged to his wife. When she was a young child there was a house fire that took all their belongings, but she was able to save her quilt. Over the years it had become ragged and torn. He wanted to know, could I “fix” it, add some hearts here and there, mend it, do something.....I took it home to inspect and realized that there was not much left of the fabric to be salvaged. I would have to be inventive and see how much of it I could use to, at least, have the essence of what it used to be.

This is how the quilt arrived....

 And after saving the best pieces....

I was able to do this.....

The interesting part of this project, was that the husband brought the quilt to be restored as a gift to his wife, who, all along thought he had put it in the trash putting him in  the dog house big time until she knew what had happened....

On a touchy note, the wife came to my store later on and expressed her thankfulness for the “new” quilt, which will probably last for a very long time...


Another lovely job came from a dear friend of mine. One of her older relatives had made a quilt that had suffered much damage during it's life. I tried to recover the least torn pieces to make a new one, trying to follow the original design... It was constructed of lovely cotton, hand quilted and appliqued... All along the process I could not help but think of all the history that fabric had known, and the many hours someone's hands spent making this heirloom....In the end, there was enough to make a lap quilt.

Paper thin flowers waiting to be restored.....

 Handstitched with so much love..

I was able to cut strips out of the least damaged designs...

 And make it come to life again....


And a proud grandma arrived with two unfinished tops she had pieced with her granddaughters. She wanted to have them finished and binding applied to gift to the girls. You could sense how important this project was for her and the potential of these girls having an heirloom made with grandma. So I squared them, loaded them on my Tin Lizzie long arm and quilted away.

One of the things I offer, when making or restoring a quilt,  is a free embroidered label, that can have “whatever” the giver wants. It is interesting how important this is to my customers. That label represents so many things, their hours, their togetherness, their love in piecing and designing it. It also represents “heirloom”.... it will be there for centuries to come and it will tell the story.

 They were simple squares, but so beautifully chosen...

The labels said it all...



Memory quilts always warm my heart. One must treat these projects with respect and extra love as there is much emotion that goes into the process. There is the moment when the beloved possessions are put in my hands and, I KNOW, that is a tough thing to do. I also know that I will do everything I can, to do the best job I know how to do.

Some years ago I made memory quilts for my sister in law and her family, who had lost a child. In March 2012 I wrote a blog called “Scott's Quilts”.;postID=4715847247815929189;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=17;src=postname
It tells the story of how those quilts came to be.

Another friend in town, who had previously lost a beloved child, trusted me with her son's t-shirts to make 2 quilts. She decided what went where and what was important in the design, what quotes to embroider. That is such a special and important time.  And I like my customers to have as much say as possible and that I can accommodate. I also make every effort to add little tiny pockets holding a heart, or a saying, or a poem. Sometimes I save interesting labels that add to the whole “memory” feeling of the project. 

Designs are carefully arranged to use as many as possible and for colors to complement each other.

 Binding and sashing is added. The "map-design sash" came from a pair of pj' added a beautiful and happy edging.... 
In here, another pair of pj's was used to make the plaid sashing....I love how it all matched....             
Sometimes funny things this Blue Man Group with an added t-shirt....

 A little pocket in which to place all your sadness....and leave it there.... 
And something special and meaningful.....
Yes....Live Long and Prosper......  Thank you for trusting me with this project.....


And from time to time I receive these happy quilts. Like “Hippos on Parade” a project pieced by another dear friend to be quilted. This was a graduation gift for her granddaughter and she had put so many hours making it perfect. This quilt made me smile each time I went to my Tin Lizzie long arm. 

 Loaded on the Tin Lizzie long arm, ready to be quilted....

Happy Hippo!

 Hippos wearing tutus...

 Zebra hippos!

And a lovely surprise on the back!

What a treat...aren't they fun?

And this is the story...for years to come....


And other people in the family also quilt..... Eight year old granddaughter, Emily,  designed these quilts “by herself” and used her very own (built by grandpa) sewing machine. 

 Isn't she cute?

 And a lap quilt made with chenille squares.... very creative!

Enjoy the Fall leaves...

Monday, September 9, 2013

The Marine Quilt
                                     " Every quilter has a masterpiece within..."

The Marine Quilt

My daughter Paula and husband Cristian are Doctors of Science in Southern Chile. Cristian is a Professor and works for the Faculty of Natural and Oceanographic Sciences at the Universidad de Concepcion. He teaches and researches Evolutionary Ecology, Macroecology, Biogeography, Systematics and Phylogenetics.

Paula is a Professor for the Faculty of Science, in the Department of Coastal Ecology. She teaches and researches Ecology and Ecology of Invasions,  Marine Biology and Environmental Chemistry at the Universidad Catolica de la Santisima Concepcion.

Before traveling to Chile last February, I thought it would be nice if I made them a quilt. After all, I quilt...I knew I could design something unique for them. Something that would be marine.

I started with a sketch, and decided on colors and specimens...
And then it all started to come together.
I begun to collect and cut fabric. This will be a hanging quilt, which allows more artistic freedom. I can paint it, I can be more creative. It doesn't have to be soft and cuddly....

A little coral here and there....

It has to be large enough to match the rest of the design....
And we need rocks and sand for the bottom of the ocean....

It is all coming together....I like it!

I love the color selection.....

Sea Anemone and seaweed.... a must!

We must have kelp ....

Sea urchins and starfish, oh my!  Let the quilting begin!

A jelly fish..isn't it cute?

And some pretty fishes, with silver paint, swimming around....

I thought it needed some tropical visitors... that's the good thing about can bring the whole world into your design!
And here is the finished marine quilt.... ( I see feet at the bottom:)  
Cristian and Paula loved it....

It was displayed at the top of their staircase...
Way up high!

I was pleased.  They were happy. One more marine decoration for their beautiful, earthquake proof home, in the native woods of Southern Chile...

Now you go make a is that easy!!!


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

As time goes by....

“It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.”                                                                                 Rose Kennedy

As I look out the window and see the sun begin to set..I can't help but notice that there is a mysterious hue ….Yes...I know, it is barely September...but that hue....I tells me that ~A Maria kind-of-day~ is not far away.... Some trees are still green, and the tomatoes on the vine are promising, for weeks to come. But I know that cooler days are ahead. And, as much as I like Spring and Summer, I like Fall and Winter more.

So much has happened since last I blogged. My Mother went to heaven, leaving me with a feeling of emptiness like I have never experienced before. Shortly after, Priscilla,  a woman who graced our lives and was like a Mother to me and a grandmother to my children, also went to heaven...I mourned her passing and it added heavily to our loss. I am blessed to have inherited an entire family through her.  She was sweet, generous and lovely. 
Priscilla and Maria
Gay, Gloria, Bonnie and Priscilla, my adopted family

I was included in the wedding of Priscilla' son John and Gloria

 Our tears had not yet dried when husband's dad, Cal, left this earth. Surrounded by all his children, he took his last breath and went to be with his beloved wife, Jennie....he was so ready to meet her again.

Cal Neill
...And, in the blink of an eye, an entire generation ended...

The passing of my Mother brought much sadness to my life. Sibling relationships suffered and I hope, someday, to reconnect when the time is right. Much happened in the years that preceded my parents death that drained my spirit. I need time to sort things out, but in the meantime, I have been excluded and am alone.

In February we traveled to Chile. After the painful farewell to my Mother in Santiago, we headed to Melipilla, Chile to see my beloved cousins Maruja and Bergie. They are so sweet and always welcome us into their home and their hearts..... And we posed for family pictures under the centenarian grape vine that has seen many generations grow up, including me.
Bergie, Maria and Maruja
 From L: Bergie, a friend, Maria Joe, Maruja, Cristian.  Kneeling: Paula and Olivia

Theirs is a home that exudes love, gratefulness and happiness...
We headed to Southern Chile to spend some time with first born Paula and her family. While there, our son in law Cristian and husband Joe built a fancy tree house for 4 year old Olivia, with a big slide and doors and windows. Her dad wanted the house to be large enough to accommodate Olivia and her friends  for a sleep over when she is older....

Olivia's Place
We took short trips to the beach and the vicinities. In an effort to ease my sadness, Paula and her family treated us to a SPA in the forest, where the hot tubs were made of large whiskey barrels and heated with wood...All along, I knew that Mom's life was about to end, but the SPA was healing and lovely...and it did my heart good...

Wooden hot tub in the forest
Olivia in the hot tub

Olivia in the SPA

It was nearing the end of summer in Chile and time for school to start. Olivia had her uniform ready to attend the Thomas Jefferson English Immersion Pre-Kindergarten School... (long name!)

Ready for school!

Upon returning to the US, Joe detoured to Texas to see his Dad one more time. I continued to Oregon, becoming quite ill. I checked into a hotel for a few days to try and recover, visiting Urgent Care, and finding out that I had severe otitis and sinusitis. No wonder the plane trip was so miserable.

March brought my 65th birthday and husband surprised me with a lovely party with beloved friends....I was serenaded by sweet friend Linda with “Forever Young”....It was hard not to cry. What a wonderful gathering.

While trying to get our lives back in order, son was in a serious bike accident. The kind that makes a Mother hold her breath. He is fortunate to not have suffered long lasting injuries, and that he has a loving fiancee that took off from work to monitor his concussion and tend to his wounds. Since he lives quite a distance from here, what is a desperate Mom to do?? ... she feeds. I called a pizza place and ordered a large amount of food to be delivered. Then I took a deep breath and waited for news.  Lauren, sent me updates and pictures often, which made this Mama very happy.  
Son recovering from cycling accident.

Time has a way to move on and provide healing. I started preparations for a long overdue knee replacement. But as luck would have it, two days before surgery I fell and broke the OTHER knee, postponing the scheduled procedure. As I was in the process of mending, middle daughter suffered a miscarriage. A painful experience to go through, physically and emotionally. My heart ached for them. Joe and I traveled to Washington to help them for a couple of days and returned home to prepare for visitors. 
 Paula, Cristian and Olivia, from Chile, arrived shortly after and I was blessed to have ALL my kids and their significant others under one roof. Someday I hope to have enough space so everyone can comfortably come and stay. The twelve of us were rather cozy, but it all worked out.
My beautiful children: from L: Cristian and my first born Paula,  Jake and my middle born child Christine, Lauren and my baby boy Andrew

Beautiful grandchildren

And, as always, there is the dreaded goodbye time.....and as quickly as they all arrived. ..they were gone....leaving the house quiet and empty... until they return again...

They are so loved and missed!!!

I started to prepare for my long overdue knee replacement once more,  which was done on August 6th under the skilled hands of Dr. Jason Bell, an expert surgeon and also a friend. 
Dr. Bell and Maria. I may be smiling, but have no memory of this moment...
32 staples and a new knee, have no memory if this either!
He did a marvelous job, while my own physician, Dr. McAndrew, took care of the non-orthopedic aspect of recovery. I had surgery on a Tuesday, was home by Thursday, stopped all narcotic medications, Physical Therapy on Friday morning, dinner out on Friday evening. 
Three days after surgery, Physical Therapy with Jon Breuer, I do remember this!
Feeling much better!
I drove myself to Mc Donald's for a salad on Saturday and then to an art show nearby. I could not have asked for a better recovery, and a better surgeon. Blessings abound. I am now in the process of moving forward ...literally... one a step at a time.

We have suffered much in the past few months, individually and as a family. The healing of body and mind has begun and we are all  doing the best we can.

Now we turn our thoughts toward life changing events, happy events the upcoming marriage of our son Andrew to his lovely fiancee Lauren. Andrew always had the “burden” of having to close chapters. The last to graduate, the last to enter college, the last to graduate from college.....the last to give a piano recital, and so on and so forth. I am sure that seeing his Mama cry as each event would come to an end became a right of passage for him.  I don't even want to write about the day we left him at college! I will only tell you that he asked me to, please,  leave him "outside of his dorm". I KNOW he did not want his roommates to see this Mother hanging on to her son for dear life as he tried to free himself and enter his room!  He will be the last child to marry....but unlike the other events, which were “the ends”, this is a beginning. And while I may shed a tear or two, this time it will be from happiness.


we are enjoying tomatoes from Joe's garden and lovely summer fruits...
And the preparations for my annual Christmas Art show have begun....

Little knits are everywhere, lists of crafts have been made and checked twice. I only have about 10 weeks to accomplish all that I want to make. 

Enjoy life in its many forms...