Thursday, March 22, 2012

About Birthdays

About Birthdays....

March 13 has come and gone....and I celebrated another important birthday. I feel lucky to have made it this far. After all, I have not always taken the best care of myself and have had a few medical scares and injuries. I drink Diet Coke, sometimes Pepsi, have eaten my fair share of chocolate, white bread and french fries. I have run with scissors and stayed in the sun too long, when it was fashionable to be as tanned as leather, with the tiniest of bikinis, thus exposing as much skin as you could.... I have looked directly into the sun without sunglasses, ignored sleeping and stayed up for entire nights.

However, perhaps I have been able to balance the good and the bad by having never drunk wine, champagne, beer, liquor or coffee, never smoked cigarettes, or played around with drugs.... I never skipped school, although I should have tried it, a least once, just to experience the thrill.  I hope that the good  I tried to do will earn me a few points in heaven!.

Often times I pray and ask God to hold on to what is supposed to come to me, until all my children are settled, hopefully married, with jobs to sustain them and their families. Then, God...hit me with what YOU think I deserve! And if I can live longer than that....PRAISE THE LORD, it will be a gift!

When I was little, I remember the anticipation of the birthday parties and, each year, a new dress. Mother used to make me a white cake, with delicious white frosting and fresh strawberries.....Oh tasted so good! 

Sometimes friends would come and was at one of those parties that I received the little wicker basket that started this blog (January, first posting)

Smells, colors, music can bring back memories of birthdays past, and I am transported into times of so long ago. I find the accuracy of those memories amazing! The older I get, the more accurate the memories. I marvel at the life lived by my Mother, who will turn 90 this much has she seen, how much has she experienced...the history she has lived.... the advances, trials, tribulations....the birth of her children, the wars...
Mother at age 3

Mother in February 2012

                                        And how did I go from this:

            this... in the blink of an eye!

And in that "blink" I started school...

graduated from school...

taught school...

Learned to ride a tricycle...

 ..and a bicycle...

Flew in a Catalina with Dad....

Maria and Dad at 1,500 ft....
 ...and with Mom...

And as I grew up, the celebrations changed. As I became older, Dad would usually buy me jewelery instead of dolls and toys, and Mom continued to make me that delicious white cake with fresh strawberries....

Grandma Emilia always gave me something special, like a fancy party shawl, a powder puff, a purse, an embroidered hankie or a wallet. And  as I turned 16, and entered the dating scene, Dad did not want to take any chances with me “finding someone” that he did not approve of, so the parties stopped... no boys allowed....
Maria at 16

 What happens when we are born? We change our family dynamics. We make someone a Mother, or a Father, we become daughters, sons, brothers, sisters.

Maria with Mom and Dad

 And then, there is life to be lived. Some of us are easy going...others are the source of great stress. I was the later, and made my family jump through hoops. I was a libertarian in thought, an artist at heart. And a hippie would... and I wrote prose and poetry and frequented the circles of poets that drank tea and coffee and wore beanies (drove my parents crazy!)...and we snapped our fingers instead of clapping. I won a national poetry contest in high school, where I wrote about how it would feel to be near death...and my poor Mother wanted to take me to a psychiatrist because, she thought, I was going to commit suicide. I won a second National award where I wrote about an old wall covered with moss and how much that wall had seen in its existence... that did not impress her as much! And I was a communist, a socialist a non-partisan, a Christian democrat..all in the span of a few months.

As a Mother, I have treasured little gifts that my children have made for me on my birthday. And in later years, my grandchildren have given me priceless works of art. As an older adult, the idea of not cooking or cleaning, and going out to celebrate, holds a special appeal to me! We used to receive birthday letters and Facebook instantly lets you know who is thinking about fun it is to check your page and see one greeting after another! It's the modern way to send birthday wishes!

And, oh, how we change from one day to another.... When I look into old pictures...was I ever that small?
(I still have this bear)

 Was I EVER that thin, that pretty, that young? 
With my younger sister
How fast life moves after you cross a certain threshold..I am not sure at what point I started to feel that there is less life left ahead, than the life I have left behind.... or at what point I realized that I am not as young anymore....when did all those white hairs appear? When did those wrinkles quietly settled on my face?

My neighbor often said that “Youth is wasted on the young”...and I believe that to be true. If I could just have the body of my youth and the brain with the knowledge of today.... But, it is what it is...and I am thankful for another year.

So, on this start of a new trip around the sun, I am grateful for my blessings, my family, my husband, my friends, real and virtual, my health. Husband and I took a drive to the beach on my birthday. The unexpected snow of  the previous  night still lingering on the ground, tree branches broken and a view ever so lovely... it made the town have a new look. Schools were closed, and restaurants full. We all acted surprised, as it was not supposed to be like this. Here, on the South Coast, we are used to rain and wind, lots of it. But the snow was a gift to me...AMaria-Kind-of-Day on my birthday..isn't that wonderful?

Thank you all for being in my life.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Scott's Quilts

 My nephew Scott.....

I have a nephew...and I say “have”, in the present tense, because even though he is in a different dimension, he will always be present in our lives, and he will always be my nephew. Scott was born on February 3, 1993 and died on May 16, 2010.  He died an untimely death while texting and driving. Let this be a wake up call for all of us. Each time I reach for the phone while behind the wheel, and shouldn't, (still do that sometimes) I think of Scott and the price he paid. I don't want his passing to be in vain.

I have watched his family go through the survival motions after his tragic death and have silently wept, wondering what can one possibly do to ease their pain. There is nothing ... just silent prayers ...

Scott was a teenager, an avid guitar player, a camp counselor, a builder of things, a really gifted guy. He was tall and handsome with curly locks of light auburn hair. He has a lovely sister, Sarah, who misses him more than it is possible to explain. His parents feel the loss in every breath they take, in everything they do, see or experience. And still, there is nothing one can say to minimize their grief.

I was fortunate one day to receive an email from Scott's Mother, my sister in law. She had heard about memory quilts. Being in the sewing industry, did I know of anyone that could make her one, she asked ... talk to me, I answered ... I would be honored to do it. Send me Scott's t-shirts. Time passed by ... she was having trouble deciding which ones to choose. Don't do that, I said, let me take care of the selection, send them all to me.

A few weeks later, a huge box of t-shirts arrived. And I mean HUGE! I felt Scott's presence, his scent, his energy, his being around the house. I decided that I would use a piece of each shirt. My sister in law had asked for “a” quilt, but there was material to make more. Enough to make one for Mom, one for Dad, one for sister and one for grandpa. It took a little longer than expected, since I ended making 4 large ones. I ordered flannel with musical instruments and other designs that depicted Scott's interests, for the backing. I organized the prints in a way that they would look attractive. Saved the interesting labels and anything extra special, and applied it to the blocks. Made little pockets and attached a heart held by a ribbon to be hidden inside. Something to play with, a little surprise. A pocket to put their sadness in when needed....

Something happens with loving projects of this kind. Another sister in law and her prayer group sent money to help with the cost  of materials, they wanted to be a part of the process. At this point one just let creativity show  the way and wonderful things result.  After selecting a design from each of the dozens of Scott's t-shirts, cutting the binding, the batting, making sure the colors complemented each other and that they were pleasing to the eye, it was time to quilt. Husband Joe came to the rescue. We carry long arm quilters at our store which we could use. So, after work one evening, we decided how they were going to be quilted. I designed and sewed, he quilted and pressed. I have made quilts before, but these quilts were different. These quilts were to honor someone and, in addition, I had been chosen to do this very important job. And it was the little details that I enjoyed the most, the little surprises, the tiny pockets,the little verses embroidered on some squares, the unexpected. Each stitch was placed with love and respect.

My sister in law had asked for one quilt...I was excited to surprise her with four.....four quilts in which they could envelop themselves in and feel the love of their son, brother and grandchild.

It was one of those blessed moments in my life, in which I could use my talents and expertise to make something memorable, something special.

The quilts were so well received, the comments so positive, I have decided to add this service to our store.

Each time I think of Scott, my memories return to the summers when we had grand family reunions in our home. And how the cousins gathered and resumed their relationship as if they had just seen each other the day before, even though they lived states and countries apart. They would gather and do skits, play music, jump on the trampoline and just laugh.....

Scott (L), uncle Mike (C) Andrew R)

Scott (R) and his cousins

Scott (kneeling) and all the cousins

Scott (C) and the Cousin's Band
Scott, I hope you are playing your guitar and doing what kids in heaven do.... simply being happy …


Aunt Maria